Highbay Performer now also available as Smart luminaire (BLE) Highbay luminaires are a good replacement for old HID lamps. They are robust and very efficient. With the LED Highbay Performer G4 you can easily save 80% on your energy costs. Instant 100% light when switched on is another big advantage of LED.
Due to the special design of the optics, fewer luminaires are required, so you can save on your current installation. LED Highbays are water and impact resistant (IP65 / IP66 and IK08) and thus meet all requirements and for indoor and outdoor applications. New in the Highbay Performer range are the Smart Lighting solutions (Bluetooth Low Energy).
In combination with the OPPLE Smart Microware sensor you can achieve maximum energy savings when nobody is present. The system can be dimmed or switched off in case of absence. Ask your OPPLE account manager.